
On Sunday night, Dennis and I got to share a bit of our love story and participate in the I Still Do wedding at our church.  We were interviewed about our story and then we renewed our vows.  There were about 150 people there and we represented the 1-15 years-married group.  It was really cool to be a part of community in this way, with so many people reaffirming their commitment to one another for life!  There were 2 other couples who also shared (one had been married for over 20 years and the other for 46 years!) and it was also inspiring to hear from those who were so seasoned in their life together.

Even though we were on the short-end of the marriage  journey in that group, it was fun to reflect on the past 14 1/2 years and to re-up our commitment to one another.  Basically, in the interview we shared how we met, a little bit about our wedding day, and some of the good times and difficult times that we’ve experienced together.  Of course, after we sat down, there were several things that came to mind that I wish I would have talked about!  I thought I’d give a little synopsis here of some of what has made our marriage great over these years and why WE still do.

  • During our first year of marriage, we read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  It has really helped us love each other in the ways that communicate love to the other person.  We also periodically ask, “how is your love tank doing?”.  In other words, “are you feeling loved? And if not, what can I do to fill that?”.
  • We truly do strive to put the others’ needs before our own.  No keeping score, no 50/50.  It’s 100/100.  Not all the time, but as a general rule.
  • When we became parents, we made the commitment that our world would not revolve around our children.  Our commitment to each other always informs the decisions we make about our kids and we truly believe that the best gift we can give them is the gift of a strong marriage.  The two of us will be together long after they have grown up and moved out and we don’t want to end up as strangers in the same house!  God comes first, our marriage comes second, and parenting is third.  Period.
  • We are on the same team.  We are for each other.
  • Dennis’ words of wisdom at the end of the interview?  Happy wife, happy life.  Yes, yes indeed.

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